alisdare1: "Save Aleppo's Children"
alisdare1: Aleppo - The New Holocaust. Thousands of "Stand by Aleppo" protesters march through London - 17 December 2016.
alisdare1: "Save Aleppo's Children" - a pile of teddy bears outside Downing Street during a protest to demand a half to the conflict in Aleppo.
alisdare1: No Bomb Zone Now - A man protests in Whitehall, London, against the deliberate targeting of civilians in Aleppo.
alisdare1: "أنقذوا أطفال حلب" - "Save Aleppo's Children" - A placard in Arabic at a demonstration demanding an immediate halt to the fighting in Aleppo.
alisdare1: No to Demographic Changes in Syria - Tens of thousands of civilians have already been forcibly evicted from their homes by Assad's regime - A protester at Hyde Park, London - 17 December 2017
alisdare1: I want to go HOME - Save Aleppo. Protester at London's Marble Arch.
alisdare1: "Save Aleppo's Children"
alisdare1: Save Aleppo - Save Humanity - Protect Civilians.
alisdare1: "Stay human" - a protester with a message outside Downing Street.
alisdare1: "Protect the People of Syria" - A Protester demanding action to half the conflict in Syria.
alisdare1: A disabled Palestinian woman walks with only one shoe across London to show her concern for the trapped civilians of East Aleppo - Here she is only 100 metres from her destination - a protest outside Downing Street.
alisdare1: Protect Aleppo's Children - A protester at London's Marble Arch demands action to rescue the thousands of children still trapped inside East Aleppo and in danger daily from the constant shelling, bombing, use of chemical weapons and sniper fire.
alisdare1: Syrian Lives Matter