alisdare1: Stop the repression in Egypt - Stop Sisi's visit to London.
alisdare1: President Sisi - Go Killer.
alisdare1: Free Ibrahim Halawa - Irish citizen imprisoned in Egypt exercising his right to peaceful protest when just 17
alisdare1: Rabaa al-Adawiya salute during an anti-Sisi demo in London.
alisdare1: President Sisi not welcome
alisdare1: Anti-Sisi protesters taunt the president's supporters regarding his sensitivity to unflattering depictions of himself on social media.
alisdare1: That's taking the Mickey ! Two protesters share a laugh in London over a photoshopped image of Egypt's new pharaoh.
alisdare1: An Egyptian woman filmed by police as she confronts an Egyptian diplomatic delegation over human rights abuses
alisdare1: "Down down military rule" - Egyptian woman leads the crowd in a chorus of protest against the visit of Egypt's military ruler Sisi to London.
alisdare1: Blood on Cameron's doorstep. Egyptians stage a protest die-in, blocking Downing Street, during Sisi's visit to London.
alisdare1: Blood on Cameron's doorstep. Egyptians stage a protest die-in, blocking Downing Street, during Sisi's visit to London.
alisdare1: British police arrest Egyptians staging a protest die-in, blocking Downing Street, during Sisi's visit to London.
alisdare1: If this protest was in Egypt it wouldn't have been a "nice day".
alisdare1: Sisi not welcome. Stop the repression in Egypt.