alisabethmix: waiting for the bus to the train station
alisabethmix: the ribbon shop
alisabethmix: a picnic lunch in London
alisabethmix: we found a Cath kidston store!
alisabethmix: we found a Cath kidston store!
alisabethmix: it snowed a lot the day before
alisabethmix: it snowed a lot the day before
alisabethmix: waiting for the bus
alisabethmix: waiting for the bus
alisabethmix: getting proper hat ribbon for a festive look
alisabethmix: no pictures allowed in the theatre...shhh...
alisabethmix: no pictures allowed in the theatre...shhh...
alisabethmix: Mamma Mia at Prince of Wales Theatre
alisabethmix: after seeing Mamma Mia - see the sign behind us?
alisabethmix: the black room at Laduree
alisabethmix: Matt's chestnut pastry
alisabethmix: my ice cream macarons
alisabethmix: Linda's chocolate goodness
alisabethmix: a bedecked Harrods
alisabethmix: like mother, like daughter
alisabethmix: Mamma Mia!