Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Got sticky with sweat so I decided I need to take it off and get it ready for an actual day out in the cold
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Remarkably easy to breathe and very warm under it
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
May as well try covering my head with it while I'm at it
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Super early in the morning, very warm and relaxing, don't mind me while I bury my head in the thick puffy hood
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Massive heavy jacket, you know I have to try it on backwards
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Gah forgot the flash, an interesting look nonetheless
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Last one I swear haha, getting rather sweaty at this point
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Don't mind me while I keep taking photos
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The shiny material is eyecatching
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Completely distracted I end up grabbing more photos with the hood up, can't have too many right
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Adding some shiny leather or puffy boots would be awesome, also need good long leather gloves
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
I never think about footwear but I'm gonna need some nice shiny winter boots to match this jacket
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
I keep thinking photos are out of focus so keep taking more of them
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
From the back with the hood up, I need matching gloves
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Hood up and a happy grin
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
From the back its a very attractive shiny coat
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Closer up you can see how shiny it is under bright light
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Getting a few more photo angles
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Never seen this before, the other side of this tag states the filling is made from post consumer plastic bottles
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
You probably should run to Macys or go online and grab them while they still have them at this price, they sell for $380 regularly on sale now for about $180 with taxes
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Sat down and definitely relaxing to be in
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The thick PVC coated nylon attracts my hands hehe
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A look at me from the side
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
From the back, a delightfully shiny look that I know will turn heads wherever I go
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Hood up, it is very warm
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A better look at how long and shiny it is
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
You can see that it goes all the way down to my ankles, perfect because cold knees and pelvis is a horror for me
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
All done up, it feels lovely, don't mind my mouth I'm talking to the video camera
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
This jacket is perfect for me for heavy winter weather, extreme cold
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
My daily driver jacket, more for light winter weather