Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Legs dripping in sticky sweat
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Hot sweaty and happy
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Smells sweaty, very sweaty
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
You can see the sauna shirt as stuck to my arm and chest
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Sweaty sticky and back home
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Stinkweed, but as parasitic it sounds its a valuable plant that can be turned into biodiesel and jet fuel
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Just minutes from my house sit some deadly plants, the Japanese yew shrub is highly poisonous and can be deadly, look but dont touch it
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Asiatic apple flowers in a common shrub, the Asiatic apple trees in the background
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Asiatic apple flowers cover this shrub
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The tree is very tall, I view the upper canopy of the Asiatic apple tree
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A full view of the Asiatic apple tree
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
An amazing sight to capture on film, the Asiatic apple tree releases a large amount of flowers
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The Asatic apple tree is releasing its flowers
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The base of the Asiatic apple tree
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Asiatic apple flowers on the ground
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A relatively large Norway Spruce that has branches hanging low enough for me to touch, I will take more photos around this tree another time
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A wide view of the two Japanese Quince shrubs
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
A pair of Japanese Quince shrubs
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Japanese Quince shrub
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Eastern Redbud with Moss Phlox below
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Moss Phlox with an Amazon truck behind it, because I think they're a cool backdrop to a cool image haha, a little industrial feel to the nature
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
There I go again, fucking with bokeh because I can
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
This is one of my favorite views, a delighfully close view of the Kaido Crab Apple flowers, no bees or anything makes it easy to collect images of botanical specimens that would be otherwise crawling with them, thanks to the cold April
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
An even closer view of the Kaido Crab Apple flowers
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Kaido Crab Apple flowers up close
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Palatine tower from underneath the Kaido Crab Apple tree
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Standing directly under the trees canopy I photograph through it
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Kaido Crab Apple tree, I was able to get very up close and personal with this tree
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
The Siberian Crab Apple blossoms make for a very interesting image
Àlins Strappy Life with Autism:
Fiddling with bokeh again, tis always fun