Ali Kati: What is the meaning of this!
Ali Kati: You again? You might as well make yourself useful. Where's my breakfast?
Ali Kati: New cage set up
Ali Kati: New cage set up
Ali Kati: Up and over
Ali Kati: Ooh look, nom noms!
Ali Kati: Om nom nom...
Ali Kati: I really like this.
Ali Kati: Must get this!
Ali Kati: Hello.
Ali Kati: Resting on the desk
Ali Kati: Erm, your butt's in the way!
Ali Kati: I like the view from here
Ali Kati: I can do backstroke
Ali Kati: This is my best foot forward
Ali Kati: Sunflower seeds mmm
Ali Kati: I'm working it
Ali Kati: This is my puzzle playground
Ali Kati: A soft perch
Ali Kati: I love my cardboard tube
Ali Kati: Something smells good in there
Ali Kati: Hi, you want to see my new trick?
Ali Kati: Ok, first I gotta stretch like this.
Ali Kati: Then I go up!
Ali Kati: Then I fling like this.
Ali Kati: Oops, excuse me, while I twirl.
Ali Kati: Up all the way!
Ali Kati: Then one my twirl (excuse me).
Ali Kati: Phew, landed on my platform.
Ali Kati: You like?