Alificacion: Self reflection (bored)
Alificacion: Self reflection (illuminated)
Alificacion: Diptych
Alificacion: A private party
Alificacion: Self-reflection (blueskyed)
Alificacion: Self reflection (bowie-eyed)
Alificacion: Self projection (outshined)
Alificacion: Self portrait as a quadruped
Alificacion: Self projection (rubbled)
Alificacion: Self reflection (spied)
Alificacion: Self-reflection (red-carpeted)
Alificacion: Self-reflection (brushstroked)
Alificacion: Self-projection (height-frightened)
Alificacion: Silent keys (and self)
Alificacion: Self-reflection (urban-ghosted)
Alificacion: Self reflection (amidst the unbearable pinkness)
Alificacion: Self reflection with feline predator
Alificacion: Self-shattered
Alificacion: Self-projection (fast-forwarded into the present)