ALifeWorthEating: Tequilita
ALifeWorthEating: Picture frames
ALifeWorthEating: Living room / Dining room
ALifeWorthEating: Garnachas de carne de res
ALifeWorthEating: Garnacha de carne de res
ALifeWorthEating: Tamal de cambray de Tehuantepec con aceitunas, ciruelas (Chicken tamal with olives and prunes)
ALifeWorthEating: Tamal de elote con crema (Corn tamal, yogurt, fresh cheese)
ALifeWorthEating: Taquito de chile pasilla rellena (Stuffed chile taco)
ALifeWorthEating: Molotes de plátano macho, yogurt, queso fresco (Plantain molotes, yogurt, fresh cheese)
ALifeWorthEating: Taquito de chile relleno (Stuffed chile taco), open
ALifeWorthEating: Tortillas
ALifeWorthEating: "Estofado de Bodas" - Carne de res deshebrada con mole coloradito (Hand-pulled beef with red mole)
ALifeWorthEating: "Purée de papa, estilo Istmeño" - Potato cakes
ALifeWorthEating: Costillitas de puerco con mole (Pork ribs, chayote)
ALifeWorthEating: Taco de estofado de bodas - costillita de puerco con mole colorado ("Wedding stew" taco with red mole)
ALifeWorthEating: Otro tamal de elote con queso freso, yogurt (Corn tamal with yogurt and fresh cheese)
ALifeWorthEating: Fruta del Icaco (local cactus fruit)
ALifeWorthEating: Cerezas silvestres (Wild cherries)
ALifeWorthEating: Restaurante La Teca
ALifeWorthEating: Doña Deyanira Aquino in her kitchen
ALifeWorthEating: Mezcal reposado
ALifeWorthEating: Naranja y chile
ALifeWorthEating: Garnachas (fried masa topped with pulled beef, vegetables, fresh cheese and red salsa.)
ALifeWorthEating: Garnacha de Oaxaca
ALifeWorthEating: Quesadilas de chipotle relleno (Chipotle pepper stuffed with cheese, beef, dried fruits, and nuts)
ALifeWorthEating: Quesadila de chipotle relleno (Chipotle pepper stuffed with cheese, beef, dried fruits, and nuts)
ALifeWorthEating: Tamales cambray
ALifeWorthEating: Tamales de elote, queso fresco, y crema (Corn tamales, local cheese, and table cream)
ALifeWorthEating: Mole negro