ALifeWorthEating: Lobster scale
ALifeWorthEating: Live Maine Lobster Sandwiches
ALifeWorthEating: Live lobsters in the tank
ALifeWorthEating: Sandwich station
ALifeWorthEating: Shrimp roll ($8)
ALifeWorthEating: Connecticut style lobster roll - Buttery toasted bun, 1/4 pound of warm lobster drizzled in butter, paprika, and scallions ($15)
ALifeWorthEating: Maine style lobster roll - buttery toasted bun, lettuce, 1/4 pound of lobster meat, a touch of homemade mayo, a bit of celery, paprika, and scallions ($15)
ALifeWorthEating: Fisherman's map of Long Island
ALifeWorthEating: Wrapping it up
ALifeWorthEating: Connecticut style lobster roll - Buttery toasted bun, 1/4 pound of warm lobster drizzled in butter, paprika, and scallions ($16)
ALifeWorthEating: Maine style lobster roll - buttery toasted bun, lettuce, 1/4 pound of lobster meat, a touch of homemade mayo, a bit of celery, paprika, and scallions ($16)
ALifeWorthEating: Down east bisque ($7)
ALifeWorthEating: Connecticut style lobster roll - Buttery toasted bun, 1/4 pound of warm lobster drizzled in butter, paprika, and scallions ($16)
ALifeWorthEating: Lobster rolls
ALifeWorthEating: Connecticut style lobster roll - Buttery toasted bun, 1/4 pound of warm lobster drizzled in butter, paprika, and scallions ($16)
ALifeWorthEating: Maine style lobster roll - buttery toasted bun, lettuce, 1/4 pound of lobster meat, a touch of homemade mayo, a bit of celery, paprika, and scallions ($16)