alidegeorge: oh happy day
alidegeorge: the dressing table
alidegeorge: posing for more snow
alidegeorge: just remember in the springtime far beneath the chilling snow...
alidegeorge: sunshine again, in the morning
alidegeorge: sunshine in the morning
alidegeorge: what he brought back from the camino
alidegeorge: d & v the day after valentine's day v~d
alidegeorge: 'caught' in the middle of winter
alidegeorge: icicles a story long
alidegeorge: gnocchi dinner
alidegeorge: white tulips in winter
alidegeorge: white tulips in the snow
alidegeorge: white tulips
alidegeorge: white tulip
alidegeorge: to remind us of spring
alidegeorge: never a tea cup too big or a book too long...c.s. lewis
alidegeorge: in those trees soon will be these
alidegeorge: it will come
alidegeorge: seven days till Lent "a closet or at least a drawer, a day"...Bernie
alidegeorge: my ledge
alidegeorge: colder than ice
alidegeorge: we're melting we're melting