Alida's Photos: fishing gear
Alida's Photos: fishing in the lake
Alida's Photos: fishing in West Lake
Alida's Photos: Connetquot River, Long Island
Alida's Photos: Alida Flyfishing on the Connetquot River
Alida's Photos: early morning river
Alida's Photos: morning mist
Alida's Photos: Fly Fisherman
Alida's Photos: September Connetquot River
Alida's Photos: early morning
Alida's Photos: Path at Bubbles Falls
Alida's Photos: fishing on bubbles falls
Alida's Photos: Autumn in NY
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: mountain cemetery
Alida's Photos: mountain cemetery
Alida's Photos: cemetery statue
Alida's Photos: Pennsylvania Boundary
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: flyfishing
Alida's Photos: West Branch of the Delaware River
Alida's Photos: Near Deposit, NY (3)
Alida's Photos: Near Deposit, NY (2)
Alida's Photos: Near Deposit, NY (1)