aliciagriffin: "cheesecake"
aliciagriffin: snorkeling
aliciagriffin: the pool
aliciagriffin: oh, she sailed away on a sunny summer day...
aliciagriffin: hanging flowers
aliciagriffin: sail away
aliciagriffin: silhouette at sunset
aliciagriffin: sunset boat
aliciagriffin: they looked like little white stars from far away
aliciagriffin: monarch
aliciagriffin: monarch
aliciagriffin: more from our porch
aliciagriffin: more palms
aliciagriffin: seen from our porch
aliciagriffin: yeah, just steps away from the pool
aliciagriffin: view from the cottage porch
aliciagriffin: view from our cottage
aliciagriffin: my new shoes
aliciagriffin: backyard bbq
aliciagriffin: blue cheese + bacon burger
aliciagriffin: cross section burger
aliciagriffin: drove by this everyday
aliciagriffin: poolside
aliciagriffin: a place to lay by the pool
aliciagriffin: someone very rich lives here
aliciagriffin: have a beer
aliciagriffin: dos equis