alicerose: light behind columns
alicerose: yellow arch
alicerose: Mum and Jim on ruins
alicerose: columns
alicerose: mum walking
alicerose: pretty arch
alicerose: Entrance to Temple of Bel
alicerose: Temple of Bel
alicerose: (alice)Bell at Temple of Bel
alicerose: Shell carving
alicerose: Jim taking photo at Temple of Bel
alicerose: carvings at Temple of Bel
alicerose: Bell in Bel
alicerose: yellow stone on blue sky
alicerose: Jim & Mum in Temple of Bel
alicerose: temple through window
alicerose: castle
alicerose: doorway at temple of bel
alicerose: Jim standing by columns
alicerose: Main square with castle in background
alicerose: writing in stone
alicerose: Rocks
alicerose: doorway
alicerose: castle: camel: columns
alicerose: castle columns
alicerose: light over tombs
alicerose: columns through window
alicerose: night time comes to tombs
alicerose: tombs portrait
alicerose: tombs landscape