alicerose: mosque in souk
alicerose: wall in oldtown
alicerose: walls of souk
alicerose: Souk
alicerose: empty houses in old town
alicerose: flapping paper garlands in souk
alicerose: bike in oldtown
alicerose: edge of souk
alicerose: spiky branches in oldtown
alicerose: more tops of buildings
alicerose: greenery in old town
alicerose: tops of buildings in old town
alicerose: more shots of old town
alicerose: lights in handicraft market
alicerose: wonky alleyway
alicerose: cool car and door in oldtown
alicerose: tops of buildings
alicerose: Entrance to Mosque
alicerose: cat in courtyard at handicraft market 2
alicerose: more birds over mosque
alicerose: cat in courtyard at handicraft market
alicerose: birds at mosque
alicerose: Cat under car 2
alicerose: Cat under car 1
alicerose: yarn - pinks and purples
alicerose: yarn shop display
alicerose: yarn - blue
alicerose: lamp at Azam Palace
alicerose: lamp
alicerose: detail on wooden mirror