alicerose: Alice in chemistry land
alicerose: fossilised fish.
alicerose: Japanese diagram of the body
alicerose: Japanese diagram of the body - close up
alicerose: Doraemon does Science Communication
alicerose: Doraemon Science communication - insides
alicerose: Doraemon Science communication - covers
alicerose: psudo-statue of liberty.
alicerose: 'trays' at Mirakian
alicerose: IMG_5229
alicerose: Work/ Blue light
alicerose: Weather
alicerose: nothing
alicerose: Hands on model of the internet
alicerose: Hands on model of the internet - notice
alicerose: close up of leaves in Miraikan
alicerose: Robot
alicerose: love = 0
alicerose: leaves
alicerose: covers of Japanese Science books
alicerose: inside of Japanese science book
alicerose: Godzilla
alicerose: Another plastic cake
alicerose: Row of plastic cakes
alicerose: Strawberry tart
alicerose: Japanese mini-van
alicerose: street in Kyoto
alicerose: streets in Kyoto
alicerose: kids science books from Japan
alicerose: Strawberry book