Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Les Lithographies. 1923-1973.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Les Lithographies II. 1974-1978.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Les Lithographies III. 1979-1981.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Suites.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Derrière le Miroir.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Derrière le Miroir.
Alice et Christine: Bram Van Velde. Derrière le Miroir.
Alice et Christine: After Picasso.
Alice et Christine: Charlotte.
Alice et Christine: I finally bought it...
Alice et Christine: The Whimsical Works of David Weidman and also some serious ones.
Alice et Christine: Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Alice et Christine: House & Garden New Complete Guide To Interior Decoration.
Alice et Christine: THE BOOK !
Alice et Christine: Sculpture Of Black Africa. The Paul Tishman Collection.
Alice et Christine: Sculpture of Black Africa. The Paul Tishman Collection.
Alice et Christine: Sculpture Of Black Africa. The Paul Tishman Collection.
Alice et Christine: Sunset Family Camping.
Alice et Christine: Sunset Patio Book.
Alice et Christine: Vacation Houses.
Alice et Christine: The Museum Watch, Nathan George Horwitt, 1961.
Alice et Christine: House & Gardens Complete Guide to Interior Decoration. 1960.
Alice et Christine: Death On The Altar, by Tomas Casademunt.
Alice et Christine: Art Deco Jewelry, by Sylvie Raulet.
Alice et Christine: Art Deco Jewelry, by Sylvie Raulet.
Alice et Christine: Ancestral Art of Gabon, by Louis Perrois.
Alice et Christine: Ancestral Art of Gabon, by Louis Perrois.
Alice et Christine: African Mythology, by Geoffrey Parrinder.
Alice et Christine: Ben Shahn Hamlet.