Alicebyday: Sophie's choice... My new project #theserendipitousstripeblanket #neilgaiman #theoceanattheendofthelane #crochetlover #booklover
Alicebyday: Some of this has been frogged. But serendipitously this edging has given me ideas for a new pattern and a new blanket..
Alicebyday: #theserendipitousstripeblanket
Alicebyday: Håper dere alle får en koselig og morsom helg! Jeg skal på tur i skogen, og se masse bra filmer mens jeg hekler. Teppet i bakgrunnen er mitt loppisverandateppe. 🍂🍄🍃 Have a wonderful weekend! In the background you can see my new
Alicebyday: Almost there.
Alicebyday: #theserendipitousstripeblanket is finished. And no edging needed..