AliBrown10: Bike Transition/ End
AliBrown10: All Done!
AliBrown10: Last 100m
AliBrown10: Finishing Strong
AliBrown10: Fastest Masters
AliBrown10: Finishing together
AliBrown10: Finished!!
AliBrown10: Dismount!
AliBrown10: Coming in Hot!
AliBrown10: Quick to move
AliBrown10: On to the Bike
AliBrown10: Saftey First
AliBrown10: Thank goodness for TriSlide
AliBrown10: Hurry up Jody
AliBrown10: Smile!
AliBrown10: Who me?!
AliBrown10: 2:22 in transition
AliBrown10: socks
AliBrown10: hi mom
AliBrown10: pushing through
AliBrown10: halfway there!
AliBrown10: speed demon!
AliBrown10: Breast Stroke!
AliBrown10: Old Mill District
AliBrown10: Front of the Pack
AliBrown10: Kick Pull!
AliBrown10: Cindy out in Front