alibean731: i think the easter bunny was here!
alibean731: i see an egg!
alibean731: audrey sees an egg too!
alibean731: cool stuff inside
alibean731: reach for that egg
alibean731: what's this?
alibean731: lucas found his basket!
alibean731: checking out the good stuff
alibean731: spider-man cup
alibean731: adding eggs to the basket
alibean731: lucas helping audrey with her basket
alibean731: easter daddy
alibean731: loving her eggs
alibean731: walking around with her basket/purse
alibean731: candy time
alibean731: audrey wants some candy too
alibean731: more candy!
alibean731: more candy!
alibean731: easter mommy
alibean731: lucas
alibean731: egg war
alibean731: egg war
alibean731: papa and gigi
alibean731: nice one, lucas
alibean731: lucas continue to be awesome
alibean731: grandma and aunt bethany
alibean731: family photo take 1
alibean731: family photo take 2
alibean731: family photo take 3
alibean731: more easter baskets