alibean731: corn on the cob!
alibean731: messy eater
alibean731: covered in sweet potato and corn
alibean731: food even in the hair
alibean731: fell asleep in the car
alibean731: sweet sleeper
alibean731: sitting on mommy
alibean731: playing!
alibean731: we're so cute
alibean731: stinker
alibean731: raspberry from daddy
alibean731: playing with ducky
alibean731: tug-o-war with ducky
alibean731: uh oh! daddy's got ducky!
alibean731: my crazy boys
alibean731: what a face
alibean731: lucas wants change too
alibean731: yes we can!
alibean731: obamanos
alibean731: lucas was fascinated by joe
alibean731: watching cnn
alibean731: flirting with ruhi
alibean731: giggling
alibean731: lucas is making ruhi crack up with all his crazy noises.
alibean731: ducky + lucas = bff
alibean731: the fam on election night
alibean731: barack obama is our new president!
alibean731: go america!
alibean731: so excited