alibean731: crazy wendy's wig (meant for a dog) that joel thought was hilarious
alibean731: say cheese!
alibean731: goofy grin
alibean731: yea! lunch at chuy's!
alibean731: he ate beans, rice, cheese, chicken and tortillas
alibean731: pbbsssst
alibean731: luca-saurus
alibean731: it might be time for a haircut
alibean731: rocker
alibean731: the only mohawk shot where he'd look at the camera
alibean731: cool halloween toy from aunt cindy!
alibean731: checking it all out
alibean731: eating the tricycle
alibean731: so cute
alibean731: unicorn
alibean731: mom and dad's bed is like a big playground!
alibean731: tickles
alibean731: big laughs
alibean731: so much fun
alibean731: fun time!!!
alibean731: eating a cookie...
alibean731: mess!
alibean731: sweet face
alibean731: playing with his click clack book
alibean731: coming to see mommy
alibean731: silly boy
alibean731: squinty smile
alibean731: making t-shirts for nkotb! we used stecils and liquid dishwashing detergent (which bleaches the shirt).