Aliaaaaa: This is a tall shot
Aliaaaaa: Hotel Room at Sanuki Club
Aliaaaaa: What kind of art do Japanese ryokan hang on their walls?
Aliaaaaa: Shabu Shabu @ TUJ Welcome Dinner
Aliaaaaa: Another shot of the Shabu Shabu Ingredients
Aliaaaaa: One of the other tables at the Welcome Dinner
Aliaaaaa: My Table
Aliaaaaa: Another shot of my table
Aliaaaaa: My second group-dining experience
Aliaaaaa: Smallest Dining room ever! :)
Aliaaaaa: Coats
Aliaaaaa: Biggest plane ever :)
Aliaaaaa: My temporary housing in Tokyo.
Aliaaaaa: Another shot of my tiny hotel room
Aliaaaaa: View ou the window of my hotel
Aliaaaaa: The view if the garden from by window.
Aliaaaaa: Another view out the window of the hotel.
Aliaaaaa: Kitchen
Aliaaaaa: Another shot of my bedroom
Aliaaaaa: Futon
Aliaaaaa: Vanity
Aliaaaaa: Shower
Aliaaaaa: Bathtub
Aliaaaaa: Entry way
Aliaaaaa: My room (cell phone photo from Japanese cell phone)
Aliaaaaa: My can-do-anything Japanese cell phone
Aliaaaaa: The scary faceless squirrel bank that came with my phone. Anyone want a souvenier?
Aliaaaaa: My first bit of Engrish
Aliaaaaa: My tatami floor
Aliaaaaa: Deserted train station