Algie Moncrief: 20130721_100376 Sunrise Launch
Algie Moncrief: 20130721_100253 Photo Op
Algie Moncrief: 20130721_100269 : 113 Pictures in 2013 : #88 Balloon(s)
Algie Moncrief: 20130721_100288 Filling the Balloon
Algie Moncrief: 20150801_141658 : 115 Pictures in 2015 : #109 Spiral or Swirl
Algie Moncrief: 20150801_141707 : 115 Pictures in 2015 : #111 It's A Beautiful Day
Algie Moncrief: 20150801_141713 Morning Launch
Algie Moncrief: 20150711_141363 Do Not Cross
Algie Moncrief: 20150711_141092 Hot Air Rising
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159585 : 116 Pictures in 2016 : #44 Looks Like (Stained Glass)
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159559 On The Rise
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159646 : 116 Pictures in 2016 : #42 Smooth
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159700 Balloons on Suncook River
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159452 : 116 Pictures in 2016 : #51 Purple Patch(es)
Algie Moncrief: 20160807_159824 : 116 Pictures in 2016 : #26 Keepsake
Algie Moncrief: 20170806_174754 : 117 Pictures in 2017 : #59 It Can Fly
Algie Moncrief: 20170806_174745 Hot Air Balloon, Interior
Algie Moncrief: 20170806_174860 : 117 Pictures in 2017 : #56 Floating
Algie Moncrief: 20170806_174702 Indecision
Algie Moncrief: 20170806_174943 With Apologies to Garry WInogrand
Algie Moncrief: 20180804_190577 : 118 Pictures in 2018 : #51 Blowing in the Wind
Algie Moncrief: 20180804_190723 Rising Indecision
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally
Algie Moncrief: Northeast Balloon Rally