alfuso: wot it says
alfuso: Bug
alfuso: yup, it's a dragon fly
alfuso: Iris
alfuso: I'm walkin' here Yellow Crested Night Heron Nyctanassa violaceaOrder CICONIIFORMES - Family ARDEIDAE
alfuso: taking care of business
alfuso: Overthere, to the right
alfuso: Yelow crested Night Heron
alfuso: Yellow Crested Night Heron
alfuso: wottaya mean, night heron? It's 2 pm
alfuso: night heron
alfuso: Black Crowned Night Heron
alfuso: I love this angle of a little blue heron
alfuso: immature little blue heron
alfuso: great american egret
alfuso: morning egret
alfuso: more feathers
alfuso: going momma's way
alfuso: alligator dreams
alfuso: just like this hiding shot
alfuso: corkscrew swamp
alfuso: see?
alfuso: black crested night heron
alfuso: little blue heron
alfuso: some kind of flower
alfuso: great american egret
alfuso: feathers, just 'cause
alfuso: betcha can't do this
alfuso: memories of haiku past
alfuso: black crested night heron