Alfred Life:
【Konica Hexar RF + Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 21mm/F2.8 ZM】
Alfred Life:
Alfred Life:
Alfred Life:
【莎莎的工作場所】Working place of my Wife
Alfred Life:
【三點全露】Nice Eggs
Alfred Life:
【我的辦公桌】My Desk
Alfred Life:
【我的辦公桌】My Desk
Alfred Life:
【辦公室】Office Life
Alfred Life:
【好大停車場-底片版】Big Parking place-film version
Alfred Life:
【我的愛車】My Lovely Car
Alfred Life:
【我的工具書】My Tool Books
Alfred Life:
【辦公室】Office Life
Alfred Life:
【挖挖挖-底片版】Dig Dig Dig-Film Version
Alfred Life:
【洗澡去囉!】Take a shower
Alfred Life:
【檢查牙齒】Check teeth
Alfred Life:
【各式各樣的杯子】Various Cups
Alfred Life:
【線上遊戲】on line
Alfred Life:
【是誰住在深海的大鳳梨裡】SpongeBob SquarePants
Alfred Life:
【刷牙】Brush her Teeth
Alfred Life:
【停車場】Parking Place
Alfred Life:
【整理玩具】To put all toys in order
Alfred Life:
【卡哇伊】So Cute
Alfred Life:
【工作中】on duty
Alfred Life:
【夜深人靜】in the still of night
Alfred Life:
Alfred Life:
【洗手後請擦手】Please dry your hand after washed
Alfred Life:
Alfred Life:
【我家有個兩個牛仔】I have a cowboy and cowgirl at home
Alfred Life:
Konica HEXAR RF+Voigtlander NOKTON 50mm f1.5 for Leica M
Alfred Life:
Konica HEXAR RF+Voigtlander NOKTON 50mm f1.5 for Leica M