 alfanhuí: Reflections (MB Flickr Meeting)
 alfanhuí: Blue moon (MB Flickr Meeting)
 alfanhuí: Car fishing is prohibited (MB Flickr Meeting)
 alfanhuí: Libélula (MB Flickr Meeting)
 alfanhuí: Pensant ::: Thinking ::: Pensando
 alfanhuí: La Vila te da sorpresas...
 alfanhuí: Casc antic ::: Old town ::: Casco antiguo
 alfanhuí: Casc antic ::: Old town ::: Casco antiguo
 alfanhuí: Casc antic ::: Old town ::: Casco antiguo
 alfanhuí: Finestra i farola ::: Light and window
 alfanhuí: Cases del riu ::: Houses over the river
 alfanhuí: Taronja, roig i blau ::: Orange, red and blue
 alfanhuí: Proa-façana ::: Bow-facade
 alfanhuí: + colors
 alfanhuí: Orange bug ::: Bitxo taronja
 alfanhuí: Olivera grossa ::: Fat olive tree
 alfanhuí: Bored baywatch ::: Vigilant avorrit
 alfanhuí: Old stone wall ::: Vell mur de pedra
 alfanhuí: QUIZ ::: CONCURS