alexxis: IMG_6846
alexxis: IMG_6847
alexxis: flowers
alexxis: happy bride all ready!
alexxis: At the bridal shop
alexxis: in the London Cab
alexxis: taking pre party pictures
alexxis: Preparing the guestbook
alexxis: IMG_6855
alexxis: IMG_6856
alexxis: 忍さん&おにぎり
alexxis: IMG_6858
alexxis: IMG_6859
alexxis: Hungry bride
alexxis: getting the equipment ready
alexxis: Bride taking a rest
alexxis: Rose petals
alexxis: IMG_6864
alexxis: discussions b4 the party
alexxis: IMG_6866
alexxis: Waiting for the couple to enter
alexxis: Entrance
alexxis: Wedding couple Sitting down
alexxis: やなせさん&Speech
alexxis: IMG_6871
alexxis: IMG_6872
alexxis: 人前式
alexxis: MS Guests
alexxis: IMG_6875
alexxis: IMG_6875