Alexxir: New York, June 18, 2016
Alexxir: New York's Finest: Parade Is About To Begin
Alexxir: 'Uncle Sammie'
Alexxir: Vintage Classic Car Fleet: travelling back in time..
Alexxir: 'Red Beauty'
Alexxir: 'Black roadster'
Alexxir: 'Purple roadster'
Alexxir: 'Attack of Purple Sharks'... :-)
Alexxir: 'Attack of Black Sharks'... :-)
Alexxir: Plymouth: 'Golden Cutie, Vintage Beauty'
Alexxir: 'Buick'
Alexxir: 'Caddy'
Alexxir: 'Lincoln'
Alexxir: 'Hawaii 5-0'
Alexxir: 'Multi-colored Vintage Ford'...
Alexxir: 'Chevy'
Alexxir: 'Straight on a collision course...' :-)
Alexxir: 'Black Spiked Vintage Beauty"
Alexxir: Straight from the sea: 'Class & Beauty'
Alexxir: "Cute Sailor..."
Alexxir: Sports Illustrated-featured model Hailey Clauson was an honorary guest-mermaid...
Alexxir: 'Transformer/Mr. Gadget man, a.k.a. modern-day MacGyver'... :-)
Alexxir: 'Mermaid & Nymph -- the perfect together...'
Alexxir: 'Masquarade-girl'
Alexxir: 'Strollin' along...'
Alexxir: '2 Shades of 2 Blue Walls Of Silence' (including sealed blue lips) :-)
Alexxir: "Shoot, I Think I Lost My 'Friends' Cake Hat"... :)
Alexxir: "New Reality Of Changing Modern Day Living..."
Alexxir: "Hugs-n-Kisses: Mermaid Style Dry Land Reunion..." :)
Alexxir: Debbie Harry ("Blondie")