georgianna lane: Our Roses
eliyahuyanai: EYpic1543
eliyahuyanai: EYpic1541
eliyahuyanai: EYpic1486
eliyahuyanai: EYpic1480
eliyahuyanai: EYpic0033
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: In true love, there is no mountain too high to climb. No river too wide to cross. And most of all, in TRUE love there are no ends.
svet_lane: crochet
Exclusive Moment Photography: 20110403-IMG_3645
Exclusive Moment Photography: 20101121-IMG_1559-Edit
Exclusive Moment Photography: 20101121-IMG_1544-Edit-2
Gleb Tarro - San Francisco Golden Sunrise
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. ~Charles Dickens
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life (William Morris)
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: some more oldies mix ....
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth (Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy)