-Alex Lopes-: Valantine's Day 3
-Alex Lopes-: Valantine's Day 2
-Alex Lopes-: Valantine's Day 1
-Alex Lopes-: Estamos aqui (We are here)! [Explored]
-Alex Lopes-: Tomando conta (Taking care)!
-Alex Lopes-: Meu Solzinho (My little Sun)!
-Alex Lopes-: Como o Sol (Like the Sun)!
-Alex Lopes-: Cogumelo (Mushroom)!
-Alex Lopes-: Experiência crescente (Experience growing)!
-Alex Lopes-: Calandivas
-Alex Lopes-: Uma Flor!
-Alex Lopes-: História do tempo!
-Alex Lopes-: Folha de Maracujá
-Alex Lopes-: Isso fura (This hurts)!
-Alex Lopes-: No teto do carro (Above the roof of the car)!
-Alex Lopes-: Radiação natural (Natural radiation)!
-Alex Lopes-: Mãe e filha (Mother and her doughter)!
-Alex Lopes-: Várias delas (A lot of them)!
-Alex Lopes-: Procurando pelo Sol (Looking for the Sun)!
-Alex Lopes-: Luz e Sombra (Light and Shadows)!
-Alex Lopes-: A Bandeira Natural (The Natural Flag)!
-Alex Lopes-: DSC07677_publication
-Alex Lopes-: DSC07661_publication
-Alex Lopes-: IMG_1954_publication
-Alex Lopes-: IMG_1972_publication
-Alex Lopes-: IMG_1983_publication
-Alex Lopes-: Flores para Hiroshima (Flowers to Hiroshima)
-Alex Lopes-: Sigur Rós - Fljótavík