Alex Coley: Birmingham to Cardiff - by train
Alex Coley: Cardiff - by train
Alex Coley: Birmingham to Cardiff - by train
Alex Coley: Newport - by train
Alex Coley: Train Tracks
Alex Coley: Train Tracks
Alex Coley: Chepstow by train
Alex Coley: Second Severn Crossing - rushing by
Alex Coley: rushing by
Alex Coley: zipping past
Alex Coley: Severn Estuary
Alex Coley: Severn Estuary
Alex Coley: Zipping past
Alex Coley: Reflections of the journey
Alex Coley: Severn Crossing ad the River Wye
Alex Coley: Swish of leaves
Alex Coley: Severn Estuary
Alex Coley: Reading to Cardiff
Alex Coley: IMG_0689
Alex Coley: IMG_0688
Alex Coley: IMG_0686
Alex Coley: IMG_0685
Alex Coley: IMG_0683
Alex Coley: IMG_0682
Alex Coley: IMG_0680
Alex Coley: IMG_0679
Alex Coley: IMG_0678
Alex Coley: IMG_0535
Alex Coley: photo
Alex Coley: photo