Alex Pope: Danika
Alex Pope: Casey
Alex Pope: Lookout Tower
Alex Pope: Heading to the Lookout Tower
Alex Pope: View from the Lookout Tower
Alex Pope: Danika from the Lookout Tower
Alex Pope: Miniature Train
Alex Pope: Danika
Alex Pope: Locomotice Backing Up
Alex Pope: Duncan Forestry Centre Map
Alex Pope: There's where the train is going
Alex Pope: Bike Parking
Alex Pope: Waiting for the Train
Alex Pope: On the Train
Alex Pope: On the Train
Alex Pope: Steam from the Locomotive
Alex Pope: Train on the Trestle
Alex Pope: Danika and Giant Cedar Log
Alex Pope: Casey and Danika
Alex Pope: Water Wheel
Alex Pope: Water Tower
Alex Pope: Danika and Casey on the train
Alex Pope: Danika and Alex on the train
Alex Pope: Danika and Alex on the train
Alex Pope: Locomotive
Alex Pope: Side of the Locomotive
Alex Pope: Train Engineer