perelberg: if only i were taller!
perelberg: busted, trying to sneak a photo
perelberg: trying to crawl
perelberg: cannot believe these facebook updates
perelberg: will NOT let you wipe his face
perelberg: jacob flings a book
perelberg: jacob pauses the splashing long enough
perelberg: splashy, splashy
perelberg: the evidence
perelberg: the face of the innocent
perelberg: the prosecution rests its case
perelberg: jacob demands a retrial
perelberg: singin' it
perelberg: sleepy bear
perelberg: cabbage patch jacob
perelberg: jacob henry slept through the night
perelberg: jacob looks for us
perelberg: how did you get over there?
perelberg: jacob has been insisting...
perelberg: jacob holds his bottle!