Alex-83: Genève, after the operation
Alex-83: Genève, my lil sister
Alex-83: My lil sister Genève at 3 week's
Alex-83: Genève
Alex-83: Some new pics of my lil sister
Alex-83: This bed look like a prison
Alex-83: you are a winner lil sis
Alex-83: Genève, after the opération #2
Alex-83: My lil sister...3 month
Alex-83: My sister and I at the hospital
Alex-83: My lil bro Steve and lil sister Genève
Alex-83: Smile of lil sister Genève
Alex-83: Daddy and lil sister at home
Alex-83: Outside in the backyard looking at her new book
Alex-83: Genève traqueotomy
Alex-83: Genève is getting better!!!!
Alex-83: Lil sister Genève