Nightgoose: Summer colours
Nightgoose: Stormy weather
Nightgoose: Day dreaming
Nightgoose: Rain and drops
Nightgoose: Golden leaf
Nightgoose: Fruits
Nightgoose: Itaguaçu Beach
Nightgoose: Tension and passion
Nightgoose: End of a day
Nightgoose: Blue Moon
Nightgoose: Inside a wave
Nightgoose: Drops
Nightgoose: Lonely cloud
Nightgoose: Row, men! Row!
Nightgoose: Waiting
Nightgoose: Fruits
Nightgoose: Fishing
Nightgoose: Bordado
Nightgoose: Resting
Nightgoose: Dawn storm
Nightgoose: Blue dawn
Nightgoose: Tears and leaves
Nightgoose: A beach
Nightgoose: Countryside
Nightgoose: Sunrise
Nightgoose: Boats
Nightgoose: Stormy season