Alex Mastera: Riding the cablecars.
Alex Mastera: Top of the mountain.
Alex Mastera: Wonder if we can get over there...
Alex Mastera: Distant peaks.
Alex Mastera: Such beautiful trees.
Alex Mastera: Unreachable peak.
Alex Mastera: Wanted to climb up there so bad.
Alex Mastera: Cable service.
Alex Mastera: Lonely bonzai.
Alex Mastera: Smog horizon.
Alex Mastera: Reachable peak.
Alex Mastera: Gorgeous leaves.
Alex Mastera: Mountain construction.
Alex Mastera: Carrying down a beam. Unreal.
Alex Mastera: Lover's locks, two.
Alex Mastera: Lover's locks, one.
Alex Mastera: (Mountain) Layers.