alexiperplexy: Jeanne and Linda
alexiperplexy: Mary Beth and Linda
alexiperplexy: Jeanne and Bill
alexiperplexy: Jeanne and Bill
alexiperplexy: Amy says...
alexiperplexy: Sarah's gift is a keeper
alexiperplexy: oh boy!
alexiperplexy: It's mine!!!
alexiperplexy: checkin' out the loot
alexiperplexy: what is it?
alexiperplexy: hmmm....
alexiperplexy: the tupperware negotiation
alexiperplexy: Ellen gets her tupperware
alexiperplexy: Theresa is pleased
alexiperplexy: Jeanne is... extremely happy
alexiperplexy: Jackie is happy too
alexiperplexy: sweetness
alexiperplexy: very nice
alexiperplexy: Jackie's veggie risotto
alexiperplexy: Erika's meal
alexiperplexy: Linda and Christine
alexiperplexy: Ellen and her scrumptious meal
alexiperplexy: Theresa and Vito
alexiperplexy: cheers!