Alexiares: walking the dog
Alexiares: obey
Alexiares: streetdog meets redgirl
Alexiares: skull with ears
Alexiares: in charge
Alexiares: impeach now
Alexiares: femme
Alexiares: blue sailorgirl
Alexiares: blade
Alexiares: hey, it's OBAMA
Alexiares: king and queen
Alexiares: Steal Back Your Life
Alexiares: disintegration
Alexiares: Resist
Alexiares: Obama: The Next Generation
Alexiares: Escape
Alexiares: Shaman
Alexiares: Missing
Alexiares: Geisha walking into the wind
Alexiares: Peace Skull
Alexiares: Yellow Geisha
Alexiares: Virgin of the Doorway
Alexiares: Search Results
Alexiares: Red, White and Blue Spiral
Alexiares: How's My Driving?
Alexiares: painting of cats
Alexiares: Gap-toothed Demonette
Alexiares: dancers
Alexiares: Equality
Alexiares: Skullphone and Shepard Fairey