purplepix: splinting
purplepix: morphine on board
purplepix: actively participating in health care management decisions
purplepix: we're going down the *what*?
purplepix: noob descending a staircase
purplepix: ow ow ow
purplepix: waking the neighbors
purplepix: bleary but stable
purplepix: settling in for the ride
purplepix: no pressure
purplepix: en route
purplepix: arriving
purplepix: @ E.R.
purplepix: IMG_0419.JPG
purplepix: IMG_0421.JPG
purplepix: tubular
purplepix: alert and responsive
purplepix: mmmorphine
purplepix: the mummy wakes
purplepix: IMG_0430.JPG
purplepix: IMG_0431.JPG
purplepix: Amputate? Sure, sounds good...
purplepix: IMG_0435.JPG
purplepix: watch where you're stickin' that thing
purplepix: break
purplepix: IMG_0437.JPG
purplepix: IMG_0441.JPG
purplepix: IMG_0443.JPG
purplepix: IMG_0444.JPG