alex.2607: 20240813_055015 Baobab Tourists
alex.2607: 20240816_063526 Sunrise
alex.2607: 20240809_075227 Chums
alex.2607: IMG_1157 Serene Morning
alex.2607: 20240821_091951 Zebu Market
alex.2607: 20240815_092349 Farmer
alex.2607: 20240809_092022 Footie
alex.2607: 20240815_101200 Mangoky River Ferry
alex.2607: 20240815_101947 Boy
alex.2607: 20240811_102557 Bekopaka Canoe
alex.2607: 20240804_145938 Betting Shop
alex.2607: 20240806_094621 Extra Time
alex.2607: 20240821_115816 Life on the tracks
alex.2607: 20240817_103850 Sea Captain at Mikea Beach
alex.2607: 20240820_112239 Herder on the Morombe Plateau
alex.2607: 20240814_114718 Girl - Belo Salt Pans
alex.2607: IMG_1282 Zebu Herder
alex.2607: 20240823_121039 Lunch
alex.2607: 20240807_123105 Lunch
alex.2607: 20240805_135355 Lemur
alex.2607: 20240821_115750 On the road
alex.2607: 20240814_074153 Dhow
alex.2607: IMG_1393 River Gorge
alex.2607: 20240809_151834 Tsiribihina Deckhand
alex.2607: 20240816_160742 Mikea Family
alex.2607: 20240816_161854 Mikea Girl
alex.2607: 20240813_162107 Over the Bar - beach football at Belo sur Mer
alex.2607: 20240818_174318 Sapphire Quality Check - Isalo
alex.2607: 20240814_171212 Kids at Manja
alex.2607: 20240812_163817 Girl at Kirindy