alex.2607: IMG_0002 (2) Leon Hospital Entrance
alex.2607: 20220827_162648 Chapel at Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_163910 Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_164326 Descent into Hell - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_164738 Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_165032 Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_165855 Praying Woman - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_170725 St Cecilia - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_171235 Castles and Lions - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0046 (2) Madonna and Child - Leon cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_172102 Cloister Ceiling at Leon Catherale
alex.2607: IMG_0073 (2) Old Saint at Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0075 (2) Old Prophet at Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0083 (2) Ali Mural - Leon
alex.2607: 20220827_175332 St Something - Leon
alex.2607: IMG_0101 Leon Angels
alex.2607: IMG_0105 (2) Visions of Hell - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0107 (2) One more for the pot - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0110 (2) Cherub at Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: IMG_0114 (2) Leon Water Fountain
alex.2607: 20220827_205807 Early Evening Bar - Leon
alex.2607: 20220827_210649 Father and Daughter - Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220827_210835 Bar in Leon
alex.2607: IMG_0144 (2) Balcony Cigarettes - Leon
alex.2607: 20220827_211556 Leon Town Square
alex.2607: IMG_0161 (2) Dusk in Leon
alex.2607: 20220827_221806 Cherub at Leon Cathedral
alex.2607: 20220828_075421 sunrise - leon hotel
alex.2607: IMG_0172 (2) Leon Parador
alex.2607: IMG_0173 (2) Quiet Moment - Peregrino at Leon