alexbrn: A sign to ignore
alexbrn: Pont Aven
alexbrn: Channel
alexbrn: Barbotan-les-Thermes
alexbrn: Is there such a thing as too much beef?
alexbrn: Issigeac market
alexbrn: Montbazillac
alexbrn: Issigeac market
alexbrn: Getting the wines in
alexbrn: Issigeac market
alexbrn: Cabin in the woods
alexbrn: Escargots
alexbrn: Cabin in the woods
alexbrn: France, 2022
alexbrn: Alpaca!
alexbrn: Duras
alexbrn: Seafood lasagna
alexbrn: Chilling
alexbrn: Balcony breakfast
alexbrn: Les Prés d'Eugénie
alexbrn: Les Prés d'Eugénie
alexbrn: Les Prés d'Eugénie
alexbrn: Biscaye whiting under a buttery breadlace, Feathery aïoli, rockfish sauce