alexbrn: Ohori Park
alexbrn: Heron
alexbrn: Frosty one
alexbrn: Tuna "burger"
alexbrn: Kyushu University
alexbrn: Murata-san
alexbrn: Francis
alexbrn: Yakitori
alexbrn: Soju
alexbrn: Todd
alexbrn: Fukuoka nights
alexbrn: Show me the way to the next sake bar
alexbrn: Choosing sake
alexbrn: Sake!
alexbrn: The Pour
alexbrn: Sake & snacks
alexbrn: Stumbling home
alexbrn: Public convenience
alexbrn: I feel the Seahawk calling
alexbrn: Ramen!
alexbrn: At the beef organ banquet
alexbrn: Beef heart
alexbrn: Not KFC
alexbrn: Raw tripe & skirt
alexbrn: Tripe hotpot
alexbrn: "Real beef"
alexbrn: SC 34