Alexanne_: PLEASE look in comments
Alexanne_: old time sunshine
Alexanne_: here she named herself 'little blue riding hood'
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: 27- secret: i've always wanted to be a ballerina
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: Green Giants
Alexanne_: [3/52] looking but not seeing (LARGE)
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: 23/365 shut out the world, shut it out, shut it out
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: day 98
Alexanne_: i want to be carefree
Alexanne_: cascades and waves