Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Osteospermum. Spider white.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “Come sleep with me: We won't make Love, Love will make us.”
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Fiery skipper on achillea.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: The business of art is to reveal the relation between man and his environment.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: The poetry of the earth is never dead.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends.”
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Green was the silence, wet was the light,
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “It is only goodness which gives extras,
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “A flower blossoms for its own joy.”
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “Do not go to the garden of flowers!
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: "Water Lilies is an extention of my life.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Red rose bud with butterfly.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Don't wear perfume in the garden - unless you want to be pollinated by bees.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Stained glass window.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: Red-tailed hawk standing in one leg.
Alexandra Rudge.California life!: “Energy is the universal language of Nature;