Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby, hunter of buns...
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ghost Dog
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Nose - Ruby and her frisbee face
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Meadow walks
Alexandra Bone Photography:
The amazing dog jet ski
Alexandra Bone Photography:
And you thought children got excited about the snow...
Alexandra Bone Photography:
I have not been burying in the snow. Honest.
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby and Brock
Alexandra Bone Photography:
It is never too cold for frisbee
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby and Brock
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby looking thoughtful....
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby in hi key
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ruby models 2
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Week 3 - Ruby models 1
Alexandra Bone Photography:
If I do my pleading face, will you give me the biscuit?....
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Alexandra Bone Photography:
I am looking aloof
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Mine! Mine! Mine!
Alexandra Bone Photography:
I am cute, even with frisbee....
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Hello frisbee!
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Steady now....
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Always keep your eyes on the prize
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Company - My frisbee is not here!
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Get here already!
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Very aloof in fact....
Alexandra Bone Photography:
My ears look great when I do this
Alexandra Bone Photography:
Ho ho ho