Alexandra's Astronomy:
2015-02-01 13-53-46
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2015-02-01 13-53-46 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2015-02-01 13-55-53
Alexandra's Astronomy:
090814_082216 Souvenir
Alexandra's Astronomy:
090814_082216 Souvenir
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-09 sun f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-09 sun
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-03 filament inverted
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-03 filament f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
030814_083235 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
030814_083503 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-03 The Sun's Chromosphere
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-03 full disc
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-02 17-24-52 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-08-02 1-6x f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
200714_175548 AR12119
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014 07 20 Full disc f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
050714_182350 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
050714_182535 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
050714_181946 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
050714_182136 f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-07-05 full disc f colour The solar chromosphere (hydrogen alpha)
Alexandra's Astronomy:
2014-07-05 full disc
Alexandra's Astronomy:
290614_181403 f colour