Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Олег Александрович Прохоров во время погружения | Handicapped diver Oleg Prokhorov, first dive
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Подготовка к погружению | Preparation for the first dive
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Немощь передвижения ушла | The infirmity of movement goes away
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Свобода движений | Freedom of movement
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Погружение в мир свободы | Dive to the world of freedom
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Команда дайверов | Handicapped Divers Team
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Дайвер на привале | Disabled diver at rest
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Крымские дайверы волонтеры помогают спуститься к воде | Crimea divers volunteers helping disabled man to descend to the waterfront
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Подготовка к погружению | Preparation for the first dive
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Дайвинг с инвалидной коляски реален! Diving from wheelchair is real!
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: «A Will to Life» photo-exhibition — displays disabled people stories in life, sports and other situations
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: «A Will to Life» photo-exhibition by Alexandr Kushnir — displays disabled people stories in life, sports and other situations
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: «A Will to Life» photo-exhibition by Alexandr Kushnir — displays disabled people stories in life, sports and other situations
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: «A Will to Life» photo-exhibition by Alexandr Kushnir — displays disabled people stories in life, sports and other situations
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Международная эмблема «Дайвер-колясочник» | International «Disabled diver» emblem
Underwater Photographer Alexandr Kushnir: Олег Александрович Прохоров — дайвер | Oleg Prokhorov — disabled scuba-diver