Alex Light: Dame Dimi de Kiwi Te Kanewa poses with Baron von Goddard-oberhoffengeshmittle
Alex Light: Lady Kipper Tipper Twattenburger and Lord Twattenburger
Alex Light: Lady Kipper Tipper Twattenburger
Alex Light: Lord Twattenburger makes a triumphal return to form. Huzzah!
Alex Light: Hamster posing
Alex Light: Hamster
Alex Light: IMG_4604.JPG
Alex Light: IMG_4605.JPG
Alex Light: IMG_4608.JPG
Alex Light: IMG_4609.JPG
Alex Light: IMG_4611.JPG
Alex Light: Rupert, pole dancing
Alex Light: Evidence of Marcus doing some work
Alex Light: More Wol posing
Alex Light: An impressive erection
Alex Light: Q: How many people does it take to put up two gazebos? A: 8
Alex Light: Rupes
Alex Light: Getting the gazebos up
Alex Light: Ru & Dimi, sitting in a tree...
Alex Light: The food wagon
Alex Light: The sky is beginning to bruise
Alex Light: Attack of the killer fish-slice suit zombies
Alex Light: Ru gets the top off
Alex Light: Get it open!
Alex Light: IMG_4640.JPG
Alex Light: IMG_4641.JPG
Alex Light: Ru tends bar
Alex Light: More Alison posing
Alex Light: Twist my arm
Alex Light: Transport