Alex Light: Kate, post-bowling
Alex Light: B-Boys and B-Girls dig bowling too
Alex Light: The look of love
Alex Light: Uber-belly
Alex Light: Too much pizza
Alex Light: Universally unimpressed
Alex Light: "aw, I haven't had one of these for ages"
Alex Light: Matt chokes it down
Alex Light: Don't pretend you aren't in to it
Alex Light: All round filth
Alex Light: Beer + Pizza + Bowling = Sleep
Alex Light: Reader's wives
Alex Light: Kate gets it in the face
Alex Light: Believe it or not, Pat's not actually gay
Alex Light: Place pizza here and stand well back
Alex Light: Olly gets it from Andy
Alex Light: K hits the wine wall, at speed
Alex Light: Ah, must have got my finger in the way
Alex Light: Limoncello
Alex Light: Cold prevention